
Hypnosis is a solution for those seeking changes in behavior in order to heal deep wounds, achieve goals and desires, reach your highest potential, align with your life purpose, and improve your quality of life. Through using hypnosis I tap into the deepest levels of the subconscious mind to rewire patterns, behaviors, beliefs and habits. I incorporate hypnotic tools, meditations, suggestions, and creative processes to release old programming and create a reality you desire.

Ways to Use Hypnosis:

Inner Child Healing.

Past-Life Regression.

Confidence and Self-Worth Building.

Release Emotions.


Chakra Healing.

Connect with Life-Purpose.

Unblock Creativity.

Let Go of Negative Beliefs.

Uncover Your Gifts.

Reduce Stress Response.

Heal From Relationships.

Stop Smoking.

Weight Loss.

Overcome Phobias.

What to Expect?

For each hypnosis session we begin with discussion about the issues, concerns, desires and reasons for your visit. Some clients don’t have a specific reason and trust that what is intuitively uncovered during the session is exactly what they need (that is what I do when I visit my hypnotherapist). Clients lie on a massage table and we begin the session with a relaxation meditation.

Many clients worry if they are capable of going into hypnosis. I want to clarify that hypnosis sessions are not like the movies. You are very much alert and present during the session. It most often looks like a conversation between your subconscious and myself, or me guiding you through a meditation with hypnotic suggestions that align with your goals.

Some express concerns about the vulnerability of being under hypnosis. Trust is essential in a client being open to receive. Whatever makes the client feel most safe and comfortable I am willing to provide.

Does one session do the trick? Often a series of 3 sessions is suggested. However, I have personally experienced success in just one session alone. I believe it varies person to person. However, the more open you are and trusting, the more lasting and effective the session will be.

If a client is open to it, I prefer to begin the session with 5 minutes of Reiki. I believe Reiki energy generates calmness and relaxation and aids the subconscious mind in being open to receiving. Learn more about Reiki here.


Cost for a hypnosis session can range from $100-$150 depending on the service. Please schedule an info call to discuss hypnosis, or go ahead and book a session and expect me to reach out to discuss your needs, desires and pricing!! Can’t WAIT!