Reiki Training & Energy Healing Classes

Reiki Level 1 Training and Certification

Basic Holy Fire Reiki attunement for healing yourself and others! This class focuses on using Reiki energy healing for self-care. You receive a Reiki 1 attunement and leave with a self-Reiki practice to use throughout your life!

Reiki Level 1 and 2 Combined Training and Certification

Reiki level 1 and 2 combined training attunes you with Reiki energy for self-healing or healing others. This class provides you with an ICRT course manual, certificate and certification to practice Reiki on yourself or others.

Reiki Master Training & ART (Advanced Reiki Techniques Included)

Become a Reiki master and channel the highest level of Holy Fire Reiki energy. Teach others Reiki, guide others on profound reiki experiences, hold Reiki shares, and become a master of energy work.


Advanced Energy Clearing Techniques

Get certified in learning advanced energy clearing techniques to assist in your personal practice and/or energy healing business. We do not focus on outside materials for clearing. We use our hands, intentions, spirit guides, visualization and energy healing practices to faciliitate profound and life-changing healing. Learn about the types of energy that need to be cleared, how to clear energy of all kinds and frequencies, how to develop your intuition to guide your clearing pratice, how to extract energy, how to transmute energy, how to communicate with energy, and how to work with energy to create the energetic space you desire in yourself, in a space, or in another person. Energy clearing has many mental health, emotional health, spiritual and phsyical benefits. I believe it is the most important and impactful work we can learn to do as human beings.